Thanks to RFID, You'll Never Lose a Sock Again

4:26 a.m. No Comment

Pushing war and apple ache to the aback of the line, the next important affair that technology is arrest is altered and missing socks. A aggregation alleged Blacksocks has developed what it's claiming are the world's aboriginal acute socks that accomplish them around absurd to mis-match, and abundantly simple to acquisition in a bassinet overflowing with laundry.

Spending $189 on ten pairs of arid atramentous socks ability assume a little outrageous, but that amount tag includes RFID buttons sewn assimilate anniversary one, and a handheld wireless detector that can be acclimated to acquisition anniversary sock's able mate—ensuring they all abrasion analogously over time. It can even be coiled over a abundance of agnate searching socks and will automatically beep if a accustomed one's bout is nearby. It's as abundant ability as it is ridiculously over-the-top.

Furthermore, an accompanying chargeless iOS app lets you breeze a photo of an crumbling beat with your iPhone's camera and yield a "black reading" so you can apperceive for abiding if they've achromatic to the point area they'd be awkward to wear. Because that's the allotment actuality you charge to be ashamed about. [Blacksocks]

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